Crop Insurance in Swea City and Estherville, IA
Keep Your Farm Afloat in Times of Trouble.
Overall, the primary goal of crop insurance is to provide farmers with financial stability. Farming is inherently risky due to its dependence on weather and market conditions, and crop insurance helps ensure that farmers can continue to operate even after a bad year.
At Cornerstone Insurance Services, we're dedicated to securing appropriate crop insurance for Iowa farmers. Contact us today for a personalized crop insurance quote.
How Does Crop Insurance Work for Farmers?
Crop insurance is a tool designed to protect farmers from significant losses due to unforeseen events.
Farmers choose a crop insurance policy based on their specific needs and the type of crops they grow. The policy might be yield-based (covering crop yields less than a specified amount) or revenue-based (covering revenue losses due to price drops or yield losses).
Farmers pay a premium for their insurance policy. The government may subsidize a portion of these premiums to make crop insurance more affordable.
The farmer can file a claim if a natural disaster (like a drought or flood) or another unforeseen event (like pest infestations) damages or destroys crops.
Does Crop Insurance Cover Unharvested Crops?
Some policies cover unharvested crops. The farmer might still receive compensation if a disaster strikes just before a crop is due to be harvested.
Contact Us
Farming is capital-intensive. Between the costs of equipment, seeds, labor and land maintenance, farmers invest heavily before a crop is harvested and sold. Crop insurance can help ensure that even in the event of a significant loss, farmers can cover their operating expenses and avoid financial ruin.
Contact Cornerstone Insurance Services for a crop insurance quote today.